jodi blase
reiki master
your body and mind are amazing healers- they are not separate from you or each other; trust that - trust yourself
Hello Beautiful
This is not a one size fits all world, and no one fits neatly into any category, and what a gift that is! My goal is to support you in the process of embracing all the pieces that are uniquely you through a combination of holistic healing modalities that worked for me, that I wanted to share, that balance the mind, body, and spirit.
Relax, release, transform, or do it all - I'd be honored to assist you on your personal journey of exploration. Isn’t it time to de-construct old thoughts and beliefs and rebuild a strong structure for your emotional well-being?
I’ve always wanted to help; I just wasn’t sure how. Food addiction, panic attacks, energetic boundary issues, toxic relationships, inability to regulate my emotions properly, not feeling worthy and fear of rejection...not an exhaustive list, but in short, being human. I was told time and again that it was my right to grow and bloom; that I was under no obligation to remain chained to old habits, familial patterns, or tribal beliefs. I asked the universe for direction, and it responded. And each time I’m ready for more, it responds again, and the old skin sheds and a new sun rises.
Practices that helped me grow and bloom that will help you grow and bloom: I’m a Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher, Lightarian™ Reiki Master/Teacher, and Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master. I'm an advanced practitioner of the Akashic Records through the Dr. Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies, Certified in Singing Bowl Training through BLISSbowls™ Healing & Meditation Methods for sound healing, and a written and conscious spoken channel, where I receive messages from source energy.
My books, My Big Fat Head and Damaged Goods were both channeled from source and born out of my desire to express my creativity and to collectively acknowledge that hey, you’re not alone, you’re not strange, there’s nothing wrong with you. If you feel like an alien, you’re here now. Make the best of it. Marrying the different aspects of personal creativity is an adventure I’d recommend.
My certifications are listed, but I find life experience to hold more relevance in my practice. My higher education comes from my clients, mentors, and friends, who motivate, elevate and teach me new skills daily. I hold a BA in social psychology and earned certifications in Myers Briggs (MBTI) and Hogan Personality assessments; inventories that allow individuals to understand how they perceive themselves, the world, their decision-making, and workplace performance.
This website does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. It is solely my opinion. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. Jodiblase.com make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. Sessions with Jodi Blase are intended for the highest good of her clients. Regardless of the information provided during a session, clients are responsible for their own choices and actions or non-actions. A session with Jodi does not replace or negate professional services that may or may not be needed in the form of medical, legal, mental health, or other professional counsel. Jodi shall not be liable for any decisions and/or actions taken based on the information given in a session.